And how the crash of FTX should serve as an "orange pill" personal responsibility moment.
A Ponzi from the very beginning.
Through effective altruism, the ends justify the means.
Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are bought and paid for Uniparty assets.
The tyrants of Covid Mania won the day, but so did the freedom fighters.
Only 7% of Americans have received the mouse-tested shot.
A dark money outfit funded by progressive billionaires.
Powerful nations will once more gather to fabricate ways to steal individual liberties in the name of climate change.
"The exercise will be called Event 201 in honor of the... potential pandemic."
A private space for us to converse and connect
Pfizer's shots may cause myocarditis and blood clots, and Pfizer has drugs for that!
System is weaponized to automate rejections and generate denial letters.