Li-Meng Yan is not a board certified medical doctor.
Her “bioweapon” narrative seems to only benefit one nation: the People’s Republic of China.
In February, Redfield said healthy people should *not* wear masks.
At least 10 Chinese companies have received FDA authorization for U.S. testing.
Endorses Australia's police state model as the way forward.
Like every other nation, Israel has failed to “stop the spread” of COVID-19.
Despite overwhelming evidence that it is safe to open schools.
"Creative harmony with nature" is the key to solving our problems, Fauci says in new paper.
Their COVID-19 'Walking Dead' hysteria has the markings of a nefarious operation.
“The whole thing is a bait and switch."
China's Wuhan lockdown was “new to science.” It was pseudoscience. It didn't work.
A national shutdown would serve no productive purpose.