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  • The mass Afghan migration wave is creating a self-imposed national security crisis

The mass Afghan migration wave is creating a self-imposed national security crisis

Not all Afghans are Captain America.

The coming influx of tens of thousands of unvetted Afghan migrants into America will undoubtedly result in a much more grave national security threat than anything related to the “war on terror” launched some 20 years ago.

The Biden Administration and its cheerleading press sycophants appear to be leveraging the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan — due to the hasty Taliban takeover of most of the country and the botched White House response — to import, without the consent of the governed, untold tens of thousands of Afghan migrants that fled to Kabul amid the chaos. 

According to the Pentagon, the mass relocation is fully underway, with the U.S. military performing the task of scooping up thousands of Afghans with the goal of steadily relocating them into the United States.

Press propagandists, government bureaucrats, and pro migrant wave activists have continued to claim that virtually all of the Afghans being imported into the United States are akin to “fully vetted” Medal of Honor recipients. These tens of thousands of Afghans are a cadre of patriotic war heroes that “helped us” in our “war on terror,” we’re told. Therefore, they are somehow immediately entitled to permanent relocation into the United States.

And this isn’t a new policy push. For several years, lawmakers have been passing massive funding in Congress to relocate Afghans to the United States on “special immigrant visas,” which entitles them to access the U.S. social welfare system immediately and in perpetuity. It also allows Afghans to avoid deportation under almost any circumstances.

While the migration wave proponents tell us that almost every Afghan is the equivalent of a “fully vetted” Captain America who remained true to the U.S. mission in the country (whatever that actually was still remains unclear), reality tells us a much more grave tale. During the 20 year war, American soldiers have been repeatedly targeted with “green-on-blue” attacks, in which supposedly vetted, trusted Afghan allies turned their US-supplied weapons against our troops. Hundreds of American service members have been killed and wounded by Afghan army soldiers, who “helped us,” until they didn’t. After cutting a deal with the jihadists, these outwardly allied troops turned their guns on U.S. forces in Afghanistan, repeatedly and consistently.

Why is the Afghan migrant wave so U.S. centric this time around? Well, the European continent is understandably balking at the idea of taking in more Afghans. The 2014-2015 Afghan migration wave into Europe resulted in a massive uptick in criminal activity. In Germany, which absorbed a 6-figure tally of Afghan migrants and refugees, Afghans stood out as the most frequent perpetrators of gang violence and sexual assault. Now, following the unprecedented violence committed by Afghan migrants, six EU nations are fighting to deport them back to their homeland, even despite the chaos unfolding in their home country. 

Geographic and technological realities continue to tell us that there’s not even a remote threat to the United States from Afghanistan. The Taliban, its allies, and its jihadist competitors simply do not have the capacity to strike our homeland all the way from Kabul. The only way for Afghan jihadists to damage the U.S. is for our government to physically bring these unvetted masses to our shores. And that’s exactly what the Biden Administration, with the consent of much of Congress, is attempting to pull off.

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 happened due to a complete collapse of our domestic security and vetting mechanisms. Osama bin Laden did not launch a missile at the Twin Towers and the Pentagon from the mountains of Afghanistan. His jihadist collaborators lived in America for months on end (some were here for well over a year) before carrying out the attacks. September 11 was a domestic security failure, but American policymakers responded to a domestic issue by launching the biggest foreign policy “war on terror” campaign in American history. At the same time, U.S. leadership has continued doubling down on creating the environment for the very vulnerabilities that resulted in the attacks some 20 years ago. The massive Afghan migration wave that is coming to the United States will represent a more grave threat to our homeland security than anything that will have occurred over the course of 20 years in the far away lands of Afghanistan.


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