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- The mRNA mirage: 4 shots, expiring efficacy, and lots of unanswered questions
The mRNA mirage: 4 shots, expiring efficacy, and lots of unanswered questions
“Safe and effective” has become a punchline.
What started as the “cure” to COVID-19 has become an ineffective therapeutic with virtually zero efficacy and a plethora of side effects with each additional dose. In the Omicron era, we don’t have a cure. The mRNA vaccine, once touted as the “cure” to COVID-19, has become useless.
Pfizer and Moderna built their novel mRNA COVID vaccines to tackle the original strain allegedly discovered in Wuhan in January of 2020. More than two years later, that strain is nowhere to be found anywhere in the world, and it hasn’t been on our radar for two years.
Many mutations later, all we have at our disposal is the original shot formula, in EUA form (the FDA approved version remains unavailable in the United States).
For reasons that have largely evaded public and press scrutiny, these pharmaceutical companies never updated the shot for earlier strains, despite claiming that they could accomplish this process in “copy and paste” fashion.
The mRNA companies are now both in the process of making Omicron vaccines. However, it may very well face the same predicament as the current shot, as a solution rolled out just in time for a new mutation.
Worse, Big Pharma’s specifically designed Omicron shot is indefinitely delayed. In the meantime, they’re still selling and deploying billions of these useless original shots, and continuing to market mRNA injections designed for the Wuhan strain.
Data shows us a gene therapy with no demonstrable upside. In the Omicron era, what does “getting vaccinated” actually mean? It certainly does not offer immunity, or even long term efficacy, and it seems Big Pharma isn’t even bothering to make that claim anymore. Big Pharma and their snake oil salesmen want you to “get protected,” perhaps, in a more ideological form.
To get a sense of how useless the shots are in their current form, check out the latest study out of Israel on the fourth shot:
Some 20 doctors and scientists found, in a study of some 274 healthcare workers, that vaccine efficacy against infection, for shot four, was 30% for the Pfizer shot and just 11% for Moderna. It’s not yet “peer reviewed,” but the study speaks for itself.
This level of temporary efficacy does not kick in for two weeks, and it likely goes to zero within just a few months of getting the injection.
The study adds that “local and systemic adverse reactions were reported in 80% (Pfizer) and 40% (Moderna), respectively.” Have fun with that cost benefit analysis.
Now remember, that’s data for a fourth shot in a one year window. The Israeli vaccine rollout began only 12 months prior to this study commencing.
Shot 3 efficacy, according to studies, starts to rapidly decline almost immediately. A new CDC study, published in mid February, found that vaccine efficacy for the mRNA booster (shot 3) plummets to just 31% after 5 months. And it’s important to recognize that the CDC, which is unapologetically in the tank for the mRNA cartel, is *desperate* to showcase positive results for mRNA, going as far as to continually hide data from the public.
The only argument left for the pro seasonal mRNA shots crowd is something along the lines of “it would be worse without the shots.” The burden of proof is always on the person who makes the assertion or proposition, so it’s up to the Branch Covidians to show evidence for their claim. I will not attempt to waste your time to attempt to prove a negative.
In the Omicron era, unfortunately, we don’t have a more advanced COVID vaccine. We have the physical representation of political science in vaccine form. These shots provide little to no immunity, they are not effective, and their risk profile appears to increase with every additional dose.
Feel free to debate the past, but it’s now February 2022, and “the cure” is akin to injecting yourself with a flu shot from two years ago. “Safe and effective” has become a punchline.