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There was no pandemic
The lesson of "the pandemic" is to not trust the government.
While respiratory issues can occur on any day of the year, we often find a time period on our calendars, depending on where you live, during which there is a significant increase in human beings suffering from respiratory infections.
This is not a cause for alarm. It is simply a part of being human. Prior to the covid hysteria era, these heightened months of respiratory infections were referred to as cold and/or flu season, umbrella terms to describe the virtually infinite amount of particles that can disturb our immune systems.
However, when “covid-19” came around, and lots of people got respiratory sickness once more, the World Health Organization and governments of the world declared a PANDEMIC, a word commonly associated with dystopian devastation.
A pandemic has a lot of definitions, but it is generally understood as an epidemic occurring on a worldwide scale, when a singular disease impacts the planet in catastrophic fashion, leading to a undeniable global emergency.
Now that the hysteria is finally winding down, “experts” and commentators on both the pro lockdown and anti lockdown side are discussing the “lessons learned” from the pandemic, as if there was something uniquely outside of the norm about the nature of illness we’ve witnessed. They’ve boxed themselves into a false paradigm, similar to the lab leak versus natural origin debate.
These forces, whether they are aware of it or not, are operating within a purposely limited framework. They’ve been captured by the Government Health/Big Pharma narrative that there was in fact an emergency that demanded a response, and most won’t dare step out of line to question the authenticity of the premise itself.
But as we explained Thursday in our piece, “it really was just the flu, bro,” there was no significant distinction between the covid years and your average flu season.
There are no "lessons to be learned from the pandemic" because there was no pandemic. Covid-19 simply doesn’t fit the bill, according to the widely understood interpretation of what a pandemic entails.
We must let go of the limitations of this false “pandemic” construct that is labeled covid-19. We need not take the bait that there was a pandemic that had to be dealt with.
There was certainly a global hysteria, but it was a psychological hysteria. There was no global viral emergency, because the vast majority of the global population was not significantly threatened by this supposedly devastating disease. Had the world been caught up with say, some other “emergency” on our minds, “the pandemic” would have just been written off as another human respiratory illness season.
If anything, the lesson to be learned is not to put your trust in the hands of the government, which, either through malice or reckless indifference, encouraged widespread iatrogenic injury as the solution to a nonexistent pandemic. It wasn’t “the pandemic” that devastated the global economy and wrecked civilization, it was the top-down dictates from above that caused millions of excess deaths worldwide, all to supposedly combat a disease that was not out of the ordinary whatsoever.
Covid-19 was just the flu. There was no pandemic, but just a run-of-the-mill respiratory season, weaponized and fueled by a continuous global hysteria.